IICE is an account payable invoice processing and invoice management application. It is designed to help and automate accounts payable activity by using artificial intelligence. The core A.I engine of IICE is built ground up by a team of engineers with extensive experience in dealing with large unstructured information and images.

- Competitor Analysis
- Customer Journey mapping
- Analytics Analysis
- Streamline of Interface
- Asset Design
- Front-end development
- Custom, scalable architecture
- eCommerce
- SEO optimisation
Key Features
Video banner slider
It was a tricky requirement where the client wanted a video in the banner along with the slider. Our developers developed this video banner slider with a custom code.
Subscription plans
As an accounting and invoice management system and to manage the existing influx of customers and their invoices, it becomes necessary to provide subscription plans to cater the client’s needs and of the company as well. The customer as per their needs purchases the plans which is developed in WooCommerce by our developers.
Stripe payment gateway integration
We have integrated stripe payment gateway that lets you accept credit card payments by transferring money between your merchant accounts and a payment processor through a physical credit card terminal and online processor.
Blog and FAQs
Not only the IICE are into promoting their services and products but also, they are keen in sharing knowledge, experiences, and latest news through blog is developed by Web Brains. For the beginners/laymen, who are not aware of the system and their services and products a FAQ section is developed by us.
Registration via Google account
To allow the user to register into the system and enjoy the benefits, we have integrated social media signup (Google).
Project Scope and solution:
Anguillan client wanted to design and develop a subscription-based site for their business. They also wanted to incorporate a video banner slider along with an invoicing system using AI and to buy subscription packages.
We helped them design and develop an informative site for their business. We designed the entire site using React JS and backend as Node JS with all the key features.

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